Indramayu, West Java - Komodo Island / Raft is one of the islands in the coastal areas of Indramayu district, West Java. At first glance the island is not so important, in addition to the location for the fishermen catch fish. But on the island there are a number of historical relics in the Dutch colonial era.However, when looking closer, this island turns out a place to stay comfortable for reptiles lizards.  

Population ancient reptiles very much. They are free to roam so that eventually the island is better known as the island of Komodo. Raft Island located about forty kilometers from the coastal area Indramayu.The island is very small and included in the territorial waters Indramayu.Dengan Regency boat journey takes approximately three to four hours, crossing the Java sea from a fishing port in Indramayu.These vessels are usually also used to transport tourists who want to vacation to the island. However, the new ship's captain to run the motor vessel of origin there is the group who are willing to rent it. Cost about two million dollars, return bali. 

Lack of adequate transportation facilities, is making the most attractions in Indonesia to be expensive, until some eventually die, because no one visitors. The fishermen usually catch fish in the waters of this island.There are about ninety-five species of fish, some can be observed directly only to dive as deep as one meter. Boats can not approach, because the waters are very shallow, so we had to use canoes to reach the dock.The island covers about one hundred and twenty acres, and all still beautiful and natural. There is no restaurant and lodging, or hotel. His money like there is no point in sini.Hutan mangroves cover about eighty acres of this island. Bebarapa which there are mangrove species that are rare in the north coast region. 

Raft Island has long been used as a breeding center and research of diverse flora and fauna. One of the highlights was the population of lizards that quite a lot, so the island is better known as the island of Komodo.These reptiles are free to roam and already on the island hundreds of years ago. These animals will come out of hiding, if the smell amis.Biawak still a brother to dragons its habitat there Flores, East Nusa Tenggara. Only the smaller size alone.On this island, the number could reach thousands of birds. They are free and protected. In fact, in some places, this reptile is always hunted, because the skin and the meat is money. Because the skin and the meat is money.

 Segment 2Not yet known, since when this lizard make Raft Island comfortable place to stay. This reptile, reportedly has been around since humans first came to this island, more than se - century ago.The number could be thousands of birds. They are free to roam, so wherever step, you can meet with these reptiles.  

These reptiles are still a family with dragons. He omnivore or eating everything.When habitat in coastal, his passion is eating fish. However, when in the field, also likes to eat frogs reptiles and even insects. Dusk, you can find this reptile swim foraging, such as fresh fish.Compared dragons, lizards smaller size. The longest is found about three meter.Hewan spawn. Usually hidden in a hole a hole in the bush bush, so as not preyed upon by wild animals.This reptile is very aggressive.
 During the time he could attack humans, if felt terganggu.Namun for Sumanto, this lizard as a pet hewaan not creepy. For many years he lived and hung out with wild animals ini.Setiap day he netted the fish, the favorite dish of lizards. This work has become a daily life.According Sumanto among hundreds of wild reptiles, there are about forty tail tame. They will come out by itself when Sumanto brought fine dining pleasure.Sumanto work this into an interesting and rare entertainment.
Seeing how this lizard lizard out of the nest and so voraciously enjoy its meal. Sumanto is actually a government employee in charge of maintaining and controlling the lighthouse tower on the island.Job feeding lizard, just odd. He realizes his job is a form of efforts to save and preserve the ancient reptiles were on the verge of extinction.In some areas, the population of these reptiles on the wane, as it continues hunted for their skin and meat is believed to cure penyakit.Pekerjaan Sumanto other and the important thing is to maintain and operate the lighthouse. It does so together with her other colleagues named Slamet.They both lived on this island for joint lighthouse already hundreds of years old. Drudgery.  
Apalgai conducted in remote places far from the crowds of the city. However, without the help of a second person, the shipping traffic in these waters could be disrupted.Segment 3This lighthouse is a tower that rose as high as sixty-five meters. This lighthouse, built in the Dutch heritage one thousand eight hundred and seventy-two. Dutch build, since the lighthouse tower is very important at the time, to regulate shipping traffic in these waters.This lighthouse age as old as the lighthouse that stands in Anyer this Banten.Bagunan standing strong, though some iron supporter has started kropos by time.  
Slamet day to day charge of caring for these buildings together Sumanto.He had to clean the glass, so that light can be clearly legible ship captain who happened to pass in these waters. He must also check the lights, whether damaged or not.In ancient times, before there was light, her regular use of fire. Now most of the beacon is equipped with lighting equipment or sophisticated lens. He along Sumanto been doing this job for many years.Routines that certainly makes its saturated, let alone in a corner and away from the crowds.  
However slamet trying to take care of this building well, as if he had as his own.His condition is very concern. Some parts are rusty and porous. Slamet need more frequent cleaning, because it is very dangerous for him and his partner Sumanto. Buildings such as this function is alreadyunlike in the past. The development of sophisticated monitoring equipment, such as GPS, has transformed into a building of historic lighthouses. The height of sixty-five meters, the scenery is breathtaking.When nightfall, the atmosphere is more quiet and secluded. But for Slamet and Sumanto, it is unusual.  
This atmosphere seemed to bring us to the past, the colonial era which is far from the bustle of the motor vehicle as well as the frenetic information from dozens of television stations.And it is precisely at times like this, they both have to carry out their duties lit beacon lights. For both government employees, the lighthouse is still important. Apart from having to take care of him, tonight Slamet and Sumanto should operate it.The lights can reach up to tens of kilometers and will be very useful, for ships that traverse these waters in order not mengahantam coral. During the day, as usual Sumanto back feed bawaknya lizard. A routine on the small island named lizards.Komodo Island is part of the islands in Indonesia which used the island conservation of flora and fauna. Sumanto and Slamet, is the island's two loyal guards.While we, was back in the boat that brought back to Indramayu.  
For us quite overnight on the island lizards, because we do not want to disturb the peace of Sumanto, Slamet and lizards biawaknya.